Kaginado is an exciting anime adventure that takes you through a fantasy world full of action and excitement. A Japanese manga, the film immerses the viewer in the world of science fiction and Japanese culture. The story follows the protagonist who is on a mission to save his loved ones and their allies while battling the forces of evil that threaten the world. Featuring all-star voice acting and stunning animation, Kaginado is a must-read for anime fans and anyone looking for an action-packed adventure. [WatchYouHere]
- Type: TV
- Episodes: 12
- Status: Finished Airing
- Aired: Oct 13, 2021, to Dec 29, 2021
- Premiered: Fall 2021
- Broadcast: Wednesdays at 01:00 (JST)
- Producers: Visual Arts, Tohokushinsha Film Corporation
- Licensors: None found, add some
- Studios: LIDENFILMS Kyoto Studio
- Source: Original
- Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life
- Duration: 4 min. per ep.
- Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Kaginado: A Thrilling Anime Movie Adventure -- WatchYouHere
- Kaginado
- anime movie
- Japanese animation
- fantasy
- action-adventure
- science fiction
- Japanese culture
- animation
- feature film
- Kaginado movie
- anime review
- Japanese film
- animation movie
- fantasy anime
- action-adventure anime
- science fiction anime
- Japanese culture in anime.