Living an anomalous existence in Ogikubo, an intergalactic melting pot of humans and aliens and the only space immigration zone on Earth, Ruruko is a cheerful junior high school girl who just wants to be normal. Her father, who works on space patrol, accidentally ate a volatile sleep pod, causing it to harden! There, the head of space patrols, Over Justice, hires Luluco as a space-time undercover agent so the agency can take action against crimes at her school. Luluko is tricked into wearing a space patrol suit and sets out on a journey to bring justice. She never tries to maintain the image of a normal girl who never stands out, but she soon realizes that the automated system of her space patrols her suit, and her inherent overzealous prudence will keep her sane. I find it harder than it should be.
- English: Space Patrol Luluco
- Japanese: 宇宙パトロールルル子
- Type: TV
- Episodes: 13
- Status: Finished Airing
- Aired: Apr 1, 2016 to Jun 24, 2016
- Premiered: Spring 2016
- Broadcast: Fridays at 22:30 (JST)
- Producers: Half H.P Studio, AT-X, flying DOG, Ultra Super Pictures, Good Smile Company, bilibili
- Licensors: Funimation, Crunchyroll
- Studios: Trigger
- Source: Original
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Space
- Duration: 7 min per ep
- Rating: PG-13 – Teens 13 or older
- Resolution: 1080p, 720p
- Type: BD, Eng Sub